Waiting for you gives me pain,
Droplets of eyes shower like rain,
The dreams for future gives peace,
You shall put your head on my arm to walk with me lives.
Love isn't a four lettered word,
It is the world.
Love is not a game like chess,
Love lorn mad is me,
Who has been waiting for your love drizzle.
My only love is you,
Oh Dear! I am here,
In wait of your,
To say come closer,
To get your love mere,
To become your heart's near,
My want is to become only your lover.
I make thousands of mistakes,
I am admitting it.
I irritate you thousands of time,
I am accepting it.
As I love to bring the smile on your face from angriness,
When you were near,
I was ignoring you,
Now, You are far,
Love is not a crush on pretty face,
Love is that which can't crush even after over of whole life's race.
Your silence gives me pain.
The waiting for you is making me drain.
I will wait upto life's end.
I am seeing;
Your wartery lips were raining with sweet unmeaning words.
Drought has come to dispatch me in thirsty's moan.
Droplets of rain
has become flammable
to burn the chalice of fire in my cold and quite heart in your love to make available.
The winds are blowing with a great speed to fly away the spark of my love.
The hailstones are falling
How could pain of lose scare him
who has kept her in heart every moment for ever.
May be she will stay or not,
Relation is like a flower,
Love is the base but like a shower.
More force will break it into fragments,
I love you, I yearn for your voice,
I pass my nights in your dreams,
I make allies to know about you,
But, how can I live without you?
I love someone else!
Which hadn't happened, It won't happen,
I love only you,
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